Advanced Project Techniques

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Consultancy Services



Services Introduction

Project Services intro

Probability Management Services intro

Additional Detail

Basic PM Systems

System Improvement


This page gives an overview of our consultancy services and outlines the context in which they are provided - the detail is contained in the links at left.

Management Systems

For organisations wishing to establish a formal PM system we are pleased to assist in any capacity. This could include all or any of:

  • organisational structure
  • PM procedures
  • project management information system (PMIS)

Further information on this is provided on a linked page

System Improvement

This involves the systematic and long term improvement of an organisation's project management system via the use of a Capability Maturity Model (CMM). As part of of this process the organisation will also become involved in benchmarking against best practices elsewhere. Our approach to this is detailed on a linked page.

We have provided these services to major contractors in SE Asia who were entering the oil and gas sector gas and needed strong guidance on the improvement of their PM practices.

Case Study

FPSO conversion

Transforming Project Viability

An oilfield development project was bid and won by a turnkey contractor, but the project stalled before execution had commenced.. From the contractor's viewpoint the risks were high with only modest returns (if all went well), and by the client's standard the field was too small to be interesting when they had other bigger fields to develop.

The way to unlock the project was to allow the successful bidder to participate in the upside of the field development. The opportunity was offered to the contractor's project management who recognised the possibilities. A deal was negotiated whereby the contractor took over operating rights to the field and established a wholly owned independent oil company for this purpose, and the field owner became a non-participating partner. In a subsequent development the contractor brought in an established medium-sized oil company to share its participation in the field, bringing operating expertise and additional funding.

A true "win win" resulted - the contractor gained increased returns which were more commensurate with the risks involved, and the client received its revenue without having to tie up capital and resources in the field development.

The lesson from this is that project management isn't just a question of competent administration, and all Project Managers need to be alert to business opportunities - they should in fact regard themselves as the MD of their own business and act accordingly.

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